Smarter Spending



Expert-driven AI, employee perks, and workflow tools—your ultimate savings hub

Savings you can see, Impact you can feel

Using a hybrid approach that combines our patented AI technology with expert human auditors, we deliver unmatched cost reduction solutions that span over 12 areas of spend.

Our Features

We specialize in analyzing your business expenses to identify inefficiencies and implement strategies that enhance productivity while reducing cost.

Cost Reduction Consulting

Our proprietary platform enables us to audit several key areas of operational spend simultaneously, while also providing strategic insights in real-time – ultimately generating savings and returning revenue to your bottom line.

AI Tools & Agents

Our patented AI-driven analysis, powered by our cost savings liaison, Dollar Bill, digs into your operational spend, uncovering hidden savings and refunds in real-time. 

Cost Savings Perks

As a member of Cost Savings Perks, you gain access to exclusive savings on entertainment, travel, and more!




Calculate Your Savings Potential​

We specialize in analyzing your business operations to
identify inefficiencies and implement strategies

Reduce Costs in over 12 Areas of Spend